What is the distance between Jodhpur and Jaipur, and how much does a taxi cost?
The distance between Jodhpur and Jaipur is 338 km and takes 6 hours and 30 minutes by car. The fare is Rs 7500 for an Sedan car. The cost of a return SUV cab ride from Jodhpur to Jaipur ranges between Rs.15 and Rs.18 per kilometre. We have been providing transportation from Jodhpur to Jaipur for one-way and return trips for a long time. The driver of our Jodhpur to Jaipur cab has good knowledge about the places and routes. Jodhpur was ruled by the Rathor Shahi Rajputs of Rajasthan, and there were some famous kings who fought many historical wars with the Mughals during their reign and enlarged the Jodhpur empire with their valour. Apart from that, the Rathore monarchs constructed various historical landmarks, monuments, and forts, to which lakhs of people from all over the country and beyond flock each year.
The cheapest return journey from Jodhpur to Jaipur starts at Rs.7000-7500 for a Sedan car, including tolls. To receive the best discount, book your taxi in advance. You can also book your chosen Jodhpur To Jaipur taxi by contacting us.

Car Rent From Jodhpur to Jaipur
Compact Sedan
₹7,500 Only!
Toll Tax Charges Extra - 4 Doors, 5 Seats
- Including AC
Hire a taxi from Jodhpur to Jaipur
How do I choose the best car to drive from Jodhpur to Jaipur?
Jodhpur to Jaipur Taxi You can without much of a stretch book your number one vehicle by calling us whenever and from anyplace. We offer you a wide assortment of taxis, you can visit our site and pick the best vehicle type according to your spending plan and travel prerequisite. Furthermore, we completely clean and spotless the vehicle prior to giving the vehicle to our clients and give prepared and proficient drivers to your excursion. You can book a Jodhpur to Jaipur cab to travel between the two cities in Rajasthan.
We demand our clients to give input on the entirety of our excursions so the straightforwardness of the Cab Service we give is seen by the entirety of our clients and we know about the bother caused during any excursion anytime of time. We deal with every one of our excursions and train our drivers to work with our clients’ process and solve any issues speedily so no client faces any movement related issues during the excursion. You should chose an AC Jodhpur to Jaipur cab to beat the heat during our travel in the summer.
Selective limits and offers on Jodhpur to Jaipur cab
Our company has its own website for the customers comfortable usage anytime, everywhere. Join our network to receive regular updates.
Book any car for just 1 hour or full 7 days, with no limitation.
Our app gives client the opportunity to quickly and effectively apply online. After, we send our client a card to acces the vehicle.
Book Jodhpur to Jaipur Taxi at sensible/reasonable expense
Is it true or not that you are searching for one way taxi administration from Jodhpur to Jaipur for your excursion? Assuming you are searching for One Way Taxi Administration from Jodhpur to Jaipur then you have come to the right site. We offer One Way Taxi Assistance from Jodhpur to Jaipur that too at sensible rates. Jaipur has been the city of Rajasthan’s vacationer places, sightseers from everywhere the nation and abroad continue to come here to visit and know the social history of the country. The affordable rates of the Jodhpur to Jaipur cab service made traveling budget friendly. You can book a Jodhpur to Jaipur taxi from us and investigate a portion of the significant vacation spots in Jaipur. You can likewise employ a vehicle with your loved ones to come to Jaipur from us. Be it an bunch cookout, authority visit, corporate visit or some other sort of occasion. Hire a private Jodhpur to Jaipur cab for a comfortable journey with us.

- Mid Size Economy Car
- Passengers : 5 (Including Driver)
- ₹ 11 / km (300 km Min)
- ₹ 300 Driver Night Charge

- Mid Size Economy Car
- Passengers : 5 (Including Driver)
- ₹ 11 / km (300 km Min)
- ₹ 300 Driver Night Charge

- Luxury Car
- Passengers : 7 (Including Driver)
- ₹ 16 / km (300 km Min)
- ₹ 300 Driver Night Charge

- Luxury Car
- Passengers : 7 (Including Driver)
- ₹ 18 / km (300 km Min)
- ₹ 300 Driver Night Charge

- Luxury Car
- Passengers : 7 (Including Driver)
- ₹ 55 / km (300 km Min)
- ₹ 300 Driver Night Charge

- Luxury Tempo 12 / 14 / 17 Seater
- Passengers : 25 (Including Driver)
- ₹ 25 / km (300 km Min)
- ₹ 300 Driver Night Charge
We offers a one stop solution for all your travel and event needs, from transportation to accommodation to entertainment.
Booking a cab with us is easy! Just call or WhatsApp us with your travel details, and we'll take care of the rest.
Jodhpur Cab Service offer transparent prices, so you can be sure that you're paying a fair price for your cab ride.
We offer the same base fare for all bookings, regardless of how advanced you book.
Navigating a new city can be challenging, but Jodhpur Cab Service is here to help. We understand the challenges of navigating a new city, so we're here to get you where you need to go safely and on time, at a reasonable price.
We serve in a wide range of cities in Rajasthan, including Jodhpur, Jaipur, Udaipur and Jaisalmer, and making it easy for you to get around the state.
We're strictly committed to providing our customers with the best possible experience. Our prices are competitive and designed to save you money.
We're here to help you make the most of your time in Jodhpur with a variety of packages that are designed to show you the city from a local's perspective. We want our customers to feel pampered and taken care of, and that's why we often provide complimentary services such as free water and tour guide services with our packages.